
Addressing mental health, one wave at a time.

One Wave is a non-profit surf community trying to tackle mental health issues using salt water, and surfing with mates. Founded by Bondi locals Sam Schumacher, Joel Pilgrim, and Grant Trebilco, One Wave lets people know they are not alone and encourages them to get in the ocean, surf it out and talk about it. Along with fundraising, and Fluro Fridays the group want to assist those whose mental health issues are holding them back from hitting the beach, through learning to surf.

Every Thursday, over 8 weeks, anyone suffering from mental health issues can join a surfing program with Let’s Go Surfing Bondi through One Wave. Participants with conditions such as depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder  learn about the beach and surfing, and share their mental health journey with mental health experts and each other. Some surfers use this program to reconnect with a sport they’ve loved before, while others are experiences the beach in a whole new way for the first time.

Let’s Go Surfing looks forward to working in partnership with One Wave, and improving mental health services for our community, in order to improve and strengthen our whole society. If you or someone you love is having a hard time with their mental health you should call 1300 555 788 , visit this link, or seek advice from Beyond Blue.

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