
Summer = Soft boards!

Summer is officially here! For most of use that means cricket, barbeques and long days at the beach. But for surfers, particularly those of us in Bondi, it means something else too… foamie season.

“Foamies” also know as softboards, softies, softtops etc

Foamies have come a looong way from the old coolites you might find hidden away in your parents garage. They were thick, they were heavy, and the ever-present red raw rash on your chest after a surf was almost a rite of passage for grommets everywhere.

Foamies now come in all shapes and sizes. No longer are foamies exclusively the domain of beginner surfers. With everything from five foot finless Beater boards for surfers looking for something a little different, to eight foot single fin logs for surfers who are happy to cruise and do it with style. Twin-fins, thrusters, quads. Round tails, square tails, swallow tails. The variety is incredible.

A new foamie might be the best investment you make this summer. Not only are you going to maximise the amount of time you spend in the water due to the sheer amount of fun you’ll be having. But it will also allow you to surf anywhere. Want to surf at Tamarama this summer? You’ll need a foamie. The whole northern end of Bondi…you guessed it, foamies only!

Any surfer will tell you the importance of having a diverse selection of boards. Here’s a quick look at the foamies that make up my summer quiver.

1.  Softlite Popstick 6’6”
My go-to board for when the waves are pumping. More of a traditional shortboard shape, the Popstick is designed with a little more rocker making it easier to take-off in larger, more powerful waves. Softlite boards are known to be extremely durable and the “Bone and Shanks” fin system makes experimenting with different fins easier than ever.

2. Catch Surf Odysea Plank 8’0”
They should rename this one the wave hog,because that’s what you’ll feel like in the water. The Odysea Plank is almost a cheat code for surfers. When everyone else is struggling to catch waves on those 1-2ft days you will almost feel sorry for them, but only for a second. You’ll be too occupied walking the board, nose-riding and even throwing a little old school flare into your turns.

3. Softech Kyuss King Rocket Fish 5’8”
A small wave weapon, and perhaps my favourite board at the moment. A generous amount of volume combined with the double sided slick and swallow tail provide you with tonnes of speed, allowing for long sweeping carves. Having this board in your quiver will motivate you to surf even on those mushy days where you ordinarily wouldn’t even bother.

Want to know more? Come in store and chat to our friendly staff as we have all of these boards in store plus more. We are the surfboard specialists and you can even demo the boards before you buy!

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