Surf and Ski all in one day and all at Bondi Beach?

Bondi Splice…..

Wow what a wonderful winter weekend in Bondi. (And no W is not my favourite letter)…..  I had my first experience of surfing and outdoor ice skating in the same day – ‘the Bondi Splice’.  In the past I’d heard about people being able to do that in California and even Europe (in the winter months of course) but on Saturday I did it right here on Bondi Beach!  Well, I actually have to thank my 8 year old….She dragged me kicking and screaming onto that ice rink – as children have the ability to make you do things you really don’t want to do (but that’s a whole other story)….

Anyhoo, …I was competing in the monthly Bondi Girls Surfriders Comp from 7.30-12.30 on Saturday …. in longboard and shortboard divisions…. (I like to make the most of it!).  Then after that, I went ice skating…and guess what….it was fun!  The air was warm, there was a real buzz and watching the waves, whales and dolphins as you skate around was inspiring!!  Plus it was an all round work out – arms while surfing and legs whilst skating – (which is really only a good thing these days!)

Yep gotta admit it…. I love Bondi!…….

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