Learning to surf – my experience

Location: 11:23 am Tags: , , ,

When I first started as an intern at LGS I had never surfed in my life. I was a complete beginner, but very excited to start my journey!

I took a couple of lessons to make sure I had the right technique and learned more about the ocean. This part is really important. Getting up on a board is one thing, reading the waves, learning about currents, being in the right spot is another thing. This is the part that has been taking me the longest to learn, because the conditions are always changing. If you’re thinking about learning how to surf I recommend taking some lessons as this is really important to not get in trouble in the water, go to the best spot on the beach and surf the best waves.

Practise, practise, practise. That’s what all the coaches at LGS kept telling me, so that’s what I did. I tried to go out for a paddle at least 3 times a week. After the first two months I was able to paddle into my own waves instead of standing next to my board and jumping on when the waves were approaching.

It was important to start small and build my way up to some bigger waves. After getting caught in the wrong spot multiple times and experiencing a nosedive once in a while I can say I am much more confident than I was at the beginning of my surfing experience. After 4 months of surfing I learned how to get up, I am starting to turn, I am catching my own waves without a push. I can confidently go out on my own every time.

If you are a beginner my one piece of advice is: Do not give up! There will be days when you feel like quitting. (I definitely had them!) It’s important to not give up, because the reward of catching a wave all the way to shore is bigger than anything else and will leave you stoked all day!

Blog written by Julie Van Eccelpoel (2019 Intern)

Early Morning Training Session for the SurfAid Cup 2016

Location: 4:53 pm Tags: , ,

We are raising money for SURFAID and entering a LETS GO SURFING team into the SURFAID Cup at Bondi Beach on Friday 27th of May 2016.

To get prepared (and to have some fun) the team; Ollie, Lucy, Jake and Sofie have been making the most out of their mornings and jumping into the surf. Coach and mentor Brenda Miley also joins the team in the mornings to provide some tips and tricks and catch a few waves herself!

Check out the video to see some of the action!

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