
The funny side of wet pants

One of Gezza’s golden rules was that “one wave always comes up further than the rest.” How many times have you been to Bondi and seen someone get caught out by the bigger wave. Those new to the beach roll up the pant legs to get their feet wet. You stop, you stare, you wait. You know what’s going on here. It won’t be long till they wander down to the shore line. Toes touch the water and it’s a thrill. Laughter and giggles all round. Then the wave recedes and nothing, no water, no splashing, no thrill. So they venture down a tad further. (This is going to be good). BAM! That bigger wave hits!

Rolling the duds up to the shin wasn’t quite enough. The higher the wave gets them the funnier it is. Wet knees are amusing but a wet backside and groin is hilarious.  If it knocks them over – you beauty! (There’s a story to share with friends). Hopefully our wet friend will see the funny side too. Either way, at least they learnt a valuable lesson.

See you in the line-up.

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