A rescue story by some ex students

Location: 1:01 pm

Our lessons do not only teach you how to surf, but also how to be more confident in the water and some serious surf safety skills, check out the following story from a couple of our customers:

My wife and I took the 3 class package from you guys in Nov 2015 & Jan 2016 and I wanted to share a recent event that highlighted to me the importance of what was taught:

Since taking your course we’ve become hooked on surfing, we’ve been traveling for 4 months through SE Asia, Aus, and NZ choosing destinations partly based on surf ability+quality. As we were taught, we regularly scope out waves to identify where the breaks are and more importantly where the rip is.

Today we took boards out at Bai Dai beach in Nha Trang, Vietnam and after a morning of surfing the crowd got busy with locals and eventually we heard a little boy yell while in the water. Fortunately he had a life jacket on so his dad swam to him to get him out. Unfortunately, neither of them knew they were in a rip and the father was noticeably struggling to get both himself and his boy back to shallow water. Because of what we learned in your classes, we were able to identify the seriousness of their situation and knew how to deal with getting out of a rip; so we swam to them with board in tow and made their weekend a lot better šŸ™‚

Our instructors were Sofie and Nathan, thank you so much for your program and thank you to all 3 of our instructors for their excellent teaching!

Terry & Rhonda Lui



Addressing mental health, one wave at a time.

Location: 1:01 pm

One Wave is a non-profit surf community trying to tackle mental health issues using salt water, and surfing with mates. Founded by Bondi locals Sam Schumacher, Joel Pilgrim, and Grant Trebilco, One Wave lets people know they are not alone and encourages them to get in the ocean, surf it out and talk about it. Along with fundraising, and Fluro Fridays the group want to assist those whose mental health issues are holding them back from hitting the beach, through learning to surf.

Every Thursday, over 8 weeks, anyone suffering from mental health issues can join a surfing program with Letā€™s Go Surfing Bondi through One Wave. Participants with conditions such as depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder Ā learn about the beach and surfing, and share their mental health journey with mental health experts and each other. Some surfers use this program to reconnect with a sport theyā€™ve loved before, while others are experiences the beach in a whole new way for the first time.

Letā€™s Go Surfing looks forward to working in partnership with One Wave, and improving mental health services for our community, in order to improve and strengthen our whole society. If you or someone you love is having a hard time with their mental health you should call 1300 555 788Ā , visit this link, or seek advice from Beyond Blue.

Holidays, the long and the short of it!

Location: , 1:01 pm

The hardy locals enjoy this time of year. Itā€™s nice and quiet. Everyone is looking at taking holidays. Surfing somewhere warmer. Skiing or snowboarding somewhere colderā€¦ Just on going to the snow, why is it that we complain about the cold here when its 16 Celsius yet when we go to the snow, where itā€™s -5 Celsius, no-one says a word?…

The good thing about a holiday is it can be for as long or as short as you like. Going on a world trip for a year ā€“ what a great holiday. Two weeks up the coast with the family ā€“ howā€™s that for a holiday. Seven days in Indo with some mates ā€“ awesome holiday. Went down the snow on the long weekend for three days ā€“ how was your holiday? The length of time or distance you must travel for a holiday is undefined.

So my next holiday is going to be a 40-minute surf trip to 3rd ramp in an hour or so. Where is your next holiday going to be?

See you in the line-up.

Surf and Ski all in one day and all at Bondi Beach?

Location: 1:01 pm

Bondi Spliceā€¦..

Wow what a wonderful winter weekend in Bondi.Ā (And no W is not my favourite letter)…..Ā  I had my first experience of surfing and outdoor ice skating in the same day – ā€˜the Bondi Spliceā€™.Ā  In the past Iā€™d heard about people being able to do that in California and even Europe (in the winter months of course) but on Saturday I did it right here on Bondi Beach!Ā  Well, I actually have to thank my 8 year oldā€¦.She dragged me kicking and screaming onto that ice rink – as children have the ability to make you do things you really donā€™t want to do (but thatā€™s a whole other story)ā€¦.

Anyhoo, ā€¦I was competing in the monthly Bondi Girls Surfriders Comp from 7.30-12.30 on SaturdayĀ …. in longboard and shortboard divisions…. (IĀ like toĀ make the most of it!).Ā  Then after that, I went ice skating…and guess what….it was fun!Ā  The air was warm, there wasĀ a real buzzĀ and watching the waves, whales and dolphinsĀ as you skate around was inspiring!!Ā  Plus it was an all round work out – arms while surfing and legs whilst skating – (which is really only a good thing these days!)

Yep gotta admit it….Ā I love Bondi!…….

The funny side of wet pants

Location: 12:52 pm

One of Gezzaā€™s golden rules was that ā€œone wave always comes up further than the rest.ā€ How many times have you been to Bondi and seen someone get caught out by the bigger wave. Those new to the beach roll up the pant legs to get their feet wet. You stop, you stare, you wait. You know whatā€™s going on here. It wonā€™t be long till they wander down to the shore line. Toes touch the water and itā€™s a thrill. Laughter and giggles all round. Then the wave recedes and nothing, no water, no splashing, no thrill. So they venture down a tad further. (This is going to be good). BAM! That bigger wave hits!

Rolling the duds up to the shin wasnā€™t quite enough. The higher the wave gets them the funnier it is. Wet knees are amusing but a wet backside and groin is hilarious.Ā  If it knocks them over ā€“ you beauty! (Thereā€™s a story to share with friends). Hopefully our wet friend will see the funny side too. Either way, at least they learnt a valuable lesson.

See you in the line-up.

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Location: , , 3:37 pm

I was toweling off and reflecting on my latest surf the other day when the next carload of surfers rolled up. Iā€™d had a great time, and though not perfect, I was amazed the guys didnā€™t just grab their sticks and hit it straight off. Instead they looked and conferred. This was their mistake. The mistake that led to the avalanche of excuses that suffocated any hope of catching a wave this day.
“I havenā€™t got much time. Itā€™s a bit fat. Itā€™s too small. Itā€™s a bit wonky. Iā€™m tired. My shoulderā€™s sore. My back is sore. Iā€™ve got a rash. I had better yesterday. Iā€™ll go it tomorrow.ā€ (We are talking about surfing here remember).
C’mon peeps! Just suit up and get out there! How often do you make it into the line-up and then throw these excuses around. After Iā€™d heard the 1st half dozen deliberations, and the indecision that followed, I knew what was going to happen. The boys had successfully talked themselves out of what would have been a good time. My advice is simple, just like you canā€™t catch fish with your line out of the water, and you canā€™t score runs sitting in the dressing sheds, thereā€™s no catching waves with your board strapped to the roof of your car! See you in the line-up.

Bill Franks

“SAND IN YOUR EYE” North Bondi Beach inclusion day

Location: 3:13 pm

The LGS team recently had the pleasure of taking some students from the Blind Sports New South Wales for there recent ‘SAND IN YOUR EYE’ North Bondi Beach inclusion day and it was purely an inspirational experience! Sarah, Grace, Shaun, Buddha and Andrew stunned Bondi onlookers by standing up and surfing glassy one to two foot waves, despite being between 80 -100 percent blind!

After guiding the first timers to the beach our chief instructor Marty described the essential actions of paddling and standing up on a board, allowing the students to visualize the movements before putting them into practice. These guys let the world know that, with a little help from the LGS team, anyone can get out there and have a crack! Definitely the most memorable lesson to date, thanks again legends!

The Social Girl Traveler testing out Bondi’s waves

Location: 11:46 am

Ā As a travel blogger, Iā€™ve travelled heaps. As a surfer, Iā€™ve surfed in many different locations. Iā€™ve had the privilege of surfing in different countries. Ā Iā€™ve also been taught my many instructors who all have different technics of showing someone how to surf. Ā I honestly, have to say that my experience with Letā€™s Go Surfing, was the absolutely the best experience!

Not even exaggerating this experience. Ā They have small groups and everyone is explained everything thoroughly and slowly. The staff is helpful and friendly too. My surf coach was Nigal. Heā€™s been teaching for over 20 years. His love of the ocean is evident, but his love for teaching is on another level. Such a great coach! My favourite part was how he took us out of the water and explained, what I think is the hardest lesson in surfing, how to read the waves. He explained everything from reading the waves to how not to stand on our board. Ā He gave suggestions based on experience. He also seemed to make small talk with everyone in the group so he didnā€™t feel like such a ā€˜coachā€™, but almost like a mate.

If youā€™re traveling through Sydney or youā€™ve just moved to Sydney. Number one thing on your bucket list should be learning to surf! Especially learning to surf in the most famous beach, Bondi Beach. Letā€™s Go Surfing is on the North Side of Bondi Beach right next to two delicious cafes (I might add). Where getting to and from is super easy, with major bus lines coming and going all day from that direction. They also have a wide range of classes depending on your skill set. Best part, they are open in the winter months and have all the proper gear. They also have gear for hire too. I know I canā€™t wait to get back out there soon!

For more of Social Girl Traveler blogs please visit her website.Ā 


Surfing Santaā€™s Slay World Record at Bondi Beach

Location: 9:46 pm

Ā Thanks to Red Balloon,Ā Letā€™s Go Surfing were able to help break the Guinness Book World Record for ā€˜Worldā€™s Largest Surf Lessonā€™, while raising funds for mental health. Ā Jolly santas took to the sand of Bondi Beach early in the morning of December 15th 2015 for this free event, and were thankfully rewarded with the perfect summer conditions. The lesson ran for 30 minutes, with groups of five Santasā€™ at a time receiving basic surfing and safety instruction, before dashing out into the surf and catching waves. Surfers of all levels of ability had a great time, and many people experienced their first taste of surfing.

The lofty number of participants needed to beat the previous record was 250, but an impressive 320 locals and visitors rose to the challenge. For each 250 of the participants needs to break the record, RedBalloon donated $10 to ‘One Wave’

Letā€™s Go Surfing would like to say a big thank you to all of the participants who came and made history with us, and to Red Balloon, Australia’s leading online experience gift retailer, for choosing Bondi Beach. This truly Aussie Christmas experience was extremely fun, and an impressive display of teamwork. As CEO of Red Balloon Mr. Nick Baker said:

“Surfing in December truly highlights the Australian summer Christmas. We were really excited to work with ‘Let’s Go Surfing’ and with Bondi locals to break this record and to share an unforgettable RedBalloon experience with all 320 who participated. Today was a great example of what RedBalloon stands for at Christmas – that the best gifts cannot be wrapped”

My Internship at the beach!

Location: 9:34 pm

Three months ago, I left all of my family and friends and got on a plane and flew to Australia… I am now nearly at the end of my time here in Sydney and I am so glad I overcame the fear I was feeling as I would never want to give back my time here.

I have spent Monday to Friday working on the world famous Bondi Beach for the local surf school (Lets Go Surfing) as part of an internship I need to complete before I start my Universtiy degree. I knew it would be challenging as three months living in a foreign country far away from home without family or friends, at a different place of work and especially in another language. These were big challenges for me but I did it and because of that I can be proud of myself. Iā€™m so glad I met so many great people here. They helped me to get use to it and even through tough times. I mean, I would lie if I say that it was just perfect and everything went good. There are always ups and downs, but that is with everything in life.

So what I learned in the first place is much about myself and life in general. SpecialĀ thanks to Nathan for his life advice! All of these experiences made me grow up a bit more. I got more confident and know that I should never give up. Of course I gained new knowledge in business, too. For example, I learned much about how this business is working. A Surfing school is actually not that different from other companyā€™s divisions like retailing, selling, administration, marketing etc.

Shop work and customer care were big tasks during my internship, this included getting people prepared for their lessons, renting boards, making bookings, taking photos and selling them. I learned about the systems they are using and how many partners of the tourism industry they are interacting with. Also itā€™s very important to stay in peoples mind in the most possible positive way. So itā€™s all about having a good image and great customer service, which I think LGS has.

The most important thing I learned at Lets Go Surfing is how to surf of course ! Iā€™m really thankful to have had this chance and am hooked on surfing now. So many thanks to all of them for making this time a once in a lifetime experience. It was a pleasure working with this awesome team!

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