Tutorial 3 – How to Sit & Spin your surfboard

Location: , , , 12:35 pm Tags: , ,

You are sitting out the back, waiting for your next wave. A set starts to roll in and you pick what wave you want… here it comes.. are you ready? Quick you need to turn your board around and get in the right position to catch it. But hmmmm how do I quickly turn my board around?

In our third edition of our tutorial series, Senior Instructor Jared takes us through the easiest way to turn your board around!

Click play on the photo to see how!

Brenda Miley

Location: , , 11:27 pm

I surf because I feel great physically, emotionally and spiritually. I can’t quite relax until I’ve done some exercise and been in the water, so it’s lucky my favourite time of day is early morning.

Qualifications: B.Ed (Hons), Cert IV Workplace Training, Level 1&2 Surf Coach, Master Coach, Bronze Medallion, Advanced Resuscitation First Aid, Apola (OSSCA)

Tutorial 2 – How to Duck Dive

Location: , , , 12:31 pm Tags: , ,

Duck Diving… what is a duck dive?

A duck dive is a technique used by surfers to sink their boards underwater to duck under the breaking wave, allowing it to roll over them.

This is a skill that will take a little while to get a hold of, so in our 2nd edition of our Tutorial series, our Senior Instructor Justin teaches us how.

Just press the play button on the video to see how.


Location: , , 11:26 pm

After being swept up in Brenda Miley’s dream 27 years ago we have been changing lives together one wave at a time since! The things I value most in life, are the amazing opportunities that I have been blessed with; My Family, Friends, Music, the Ocean and Laughing! The surfing I enjoy the most is medium sized waves, offshore and sunny!

Qualifications held include: Level 1 Surf Coach Certificate, Senior First Aid Certificate, Advanced Resuscitation Techniques; Apola (OSSCA)

Tutorial 1 – How to Eskimo Roll

Location: , , , 10:00 am Tags: , , ,

Welcome to our Tutorial Series!

One of the best things about surfing is you can always improve! So we are going to help you on that journey with our series of helpful informative videos.

Our first is ‘The Eskimo Roll’

The Eskimo roll is flipping your board upside down with you on it, allowing the wave to roll over you. Sounds easy, but its a little bit trickier than you expect. Press play on the photo and our instructor Brad will show you how!

Lars Zeekaf

Location: , 10:47 pm

I surf because I can’t live without it. I can’t quite relax until I’ve had some waves, food and a siesta. After arriving in Sydney in June 2014 I quickly searched for a job where I could work with passion. I found it in LGS, emailed Marty and from there it all happened.

When I was younger, I dreamed about becoming an Orca trainer – these days I’m happy being free. Each lesson I look forward to converting students into lifelong surfers. My ideal conditions are 4-6ft, offshore breeze, sunset and a couple mates in the water.

Languages: Dutch and Spanish

Qualifications: Level 2 Surf Coach Certificate, SUP Flat Water Coaching Certificate, Senior First Aid Certificate, Advanced Resuscitation Techniques; Apola (OSSCA)

International Women’s Day 2024

Location: 12:18 pm Tags: , , ,

The 8th March 2024 was International Women’s Day, and what better way to celebrate than get into the surf at Bondi Beach. 

75 local women joined the crew from Lets Go Surfing led by surf school pioneer Brenda Miley to have some fun in the surf and raise money for women in need.  

The theme this year was #InspireInclusion, Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. 

At 5:45am the morning started along with the rain, but that didn’t stop a great bunch of women coming together to celebrate. 

The morning was filled with enjoying sometime in the water, followed by light breakfast refreshments hosted by Brenda Miley. 

This program was proudly supported by Surfing NSW, NSW Government, ROXY and SDS. 

We also raised $3000 for a wonderful local not for profit organisation WEAVE’s Women and Children’s Centre whose aim is to support women and children to lead safe, healthy and successful lives free from domestic violence. 

We had so much fun and cannot wait for next year’s event. 

Check out the highlights from our 2024 International Womens Day!!

Who wouldn’t want to work at Lets Go Surfing?

Location: , 12:14 pm Tags: , ,

Hello! My name is Brandon Adam and I am an intern at Let’s Go Surfing in Bondi. I am studying marketing at Bowling Green State University in Ohio in the United States. I have been in Sydney for eight weeks with an internship abroad organization called IES Abroad. I started my program at the beginning of June 2022 and will be leaving Australia at the end of July. I applied to IES Abroad Sydney with very little expectations of what would come of it. I had applied to several different internships with companies in America, but coming to Sydney during my summer break was definitely my first choice. I wanted to have a unique internship experience and working in Australia is certainly that!

After I got accepted into IES Sydney, my program coordinator connected me with Marty at Let’s Go Surfing. I had a video call with him where I learned a little bit about the company and I told him what I was hoping to get out of my internship. I shared my interest and experience in marketing and that I wanted to be able to make a positive impact on the company during my time there. Marty told me that my responsibilities would start small and as long as I kept proving myself, I would gain more freedom and be able to work on more important tasks and projects. At the end of the call I was offered the job and I told him that I would love to come work for LGS. Even then, I didn’t realize how great that decision was going to turn out to be.

On my first day, Marty took me for a walk around Bondi so I could see a little bit of the town and the beach. I was amazed with its beauty and was in awe that it was going to be the place where I would be working for the next two months. When we got back from the walk, Marty told me to get a wetsuit on and to get ready to partake in his next surf lesson. Being from Ohio, I had never surfed in my life but I was so excited to give it a try! It was tough at first, but by the end I found myself being able to stand up on the board…at least some of the time. Needless to say, I was still a long ways away from being a good surfer. Marty told me to try to go out for a surf during my breaks each day so that I could have fun and keep getting better. Most places that I have worked at in the past would just give me fifteen minutes to eat lunch so I was stoked for the opportunity to surf for forty-five minutes at Bondi Beach almost everyday! 

I later met with Louise, the marketing director at Let’s Go Surfing. She gave me an idea of some of her thoughts on what I could do during my time here. She expressed to me that if I had any ideas of things that I wanted to do to share so that they could get accomplished. She started off by having me put together a competitor analysis of the other surf schools near each of the LGS locations. She also assured me that if I worked hard and did a good job, then I would continue to gain more responsibilities. 

I spent much of my time working in the shop, learning about the business, and interacting with customers. When I first started, it took me a little bit to get used to working for a new company (especially one that specialized in something I knew nothing about) and working in a new country. The more I worked, the more I learned and the more comfortable I got. All of the LGS staff were so helpful and friendly to me which made the transition go smoothly. I enjoyed interacting with customers and I loved seeing how happy people were to come in and get a surf lesson!

A few marketing jobs that I had while at Let’s Go Surfing were constructing a SWOT analysis of the company and each of its locations, producing a video of a surf lesson, and creating content for social media. During the course of constructing  the SWOT analysis, I spoke with some of the managers at LGS to get some insight about the company. I used that information as well as my own observations to identify where the company was at and what opportunities they could take advantage of. 

For the video that I produced, I had some of my friends from the same internship program as me come to Bondi for a lesson. They all had either never surfed before or surfed very little so they were so excited to come! I loved getting to show them where I worked and what I get to do almost everyday! I was able to film a large amount of the lesson and edit it into the final product.

My experience during my two months at Let’s Go Surfing has been incredible! I have been very pleased with the work that I have been able to do, the experiences that I have been able to have, and the people that I have been able to meet. A year ago I would have never guessed that I would work at a surf shop in Australia. Working somewhere as beautiful as Bondi has been unbelievable. These two months in Sydney have truly been some of the best times of my life and working at Let’s Go Surfing has been a big part of that! I cannot thank the staff and everyone at Let’s Go Surfing enough for the incredible experience!

Marty Williams

Location: , , 11:21 pm

For me, surfing is a release from reality yet it connects you with nature and rewards the effort you put in. I look forward to lessons because I like helping people achieve goals, and also having people paying to hear my opinion on things.

My favourite surf is a late one, an hour before dark, and my ideal conditions are 1 foot perfection with a gentle offshore or 4-6 foot cloud break.

Qualifications: Bachelor Exercise Science (Hons), Cert IV Workplace training, Level 1 Surf Coach Certificate, Surf Bronze Medallion, Senior First Aid Certificate, Advanced Resuscitation Techniques; Apola (OSSCA)

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