
What to bring for a surf lesson.

What and what not to bring to a Surf Lesson

We see people from all over the world stepping in our shops to enjoy what we enjoy on a daily basis. Sun, surf, beach and amazing scenery.

Surfers are known for their simplicity. Their surfboard, wetsuits..and that’s it! We don’t need more.

When you come to do a surf lesson with us you’re stepping into the world of surfers, those who don’t need much. So what do you need to bring to a surf lesson?

  1. Swimwear. This you wear underneath the wetsuit. Speedo’s, bikini, board shorts, bathing-suit it all works. If you have something tight it will be the most comfortable.
  2. Towel. After a fresh water shower use your towel to dry and get warm. Hint: your swimwear are the veggies, your towel is the wrap. Great way to pack it all in your bag.
  3. Bag. Keep it simple, you don’t need much. Just big enough to fit your towel and swimwear.

We see people bringing a lot of stuff down the beach. Valuable stuff. Ask yourself ‘’why am I going to the beach?’’. We dare to bet it’s to get away from it all. So leave all those expensive items at home, in your hotel or dorm room. Here’s a list of what NOT to bring to a surf lesson:

  1. Jewellery. Wedding rings, grandma’s earrings, anniversary necklace etc. You will lose them!
  2. Watch. We will worry about the time, you worry about how nice the beach is.
  3. Glasses. You can’t surf with them, you are going to fall and so you will lose them. If they are necessary for your sight our coaches can bring a bag on the beach for you to place it in when you are in the water.
  4. Water shoes. Australian sand is nice and soft, no need for water shoes. They also don’t make your surfing easier.
  5. Camera. Wind, sand & salt, the 3 worst things for your camera. Also, you will be so busy surfing you don’t want to worry about your camera or taking photos. At our Bondi location we have photographers snapping your first waves.
  6. GoPro. We could start up a small shop with the amount of GoPro’s we find on the beach every year. Read this story about a GoPro we found at Bondi Beach. Chest strap, head strap it all does not work. Leave it behind.
  7. Goggles. You are surfing, not diving. You do not need goggles unless they are necessary for your sight. Did you know we can open our eyes under water even if it’s salty!

Our friendly staff are always here to help, so if you have a question don’t be afraid to ask and lets go surfing!

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